Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction: Seven Nutritional Hacks for Your Brain

    • Introduction: Seven Nutritional Hacks for Your Brain
  • 2

    Hack #1

    • Hack #1. Eat more leafy green vegetables and berries.
  • 3

    Hack #2

    • Hack #2: Eat more cold-water fish.
  • 4

    Hack #3

    • Hack #3: Make legumes a part of your regular pattern of eating.
  • 5

    Hack #4

    • Hack #4. Eat whole grains every day.
  • 6

    Hack #5

    • Hack #5. Eat a quarter cup of unsalted walnuts every day.
  • 7

    Hack #6

    • Hack #6. Limit added sugar.
  • 8

    Hack #7

    • Hack #7: Avoid highly processed or packaged foods.
  • 9

    Closing: Personalized Action Plan

    • Closing: How to Create Your Personalized Action Plan for Brain Nutrition
  • 10

    Course Resources

    • Downloads
    • Quiz: My Relationship with Sugar
    • Additional Video - Mediterranean Diet
    • Additional Videos - Leafy Green Vegetables
    • Additional Video - Cold-Water Fish and How to Prepare Them
    • Additional Video - Beans and Other Legumes
    • Additional Video - Whole Grains
    • Additional Video - Walnets
    • Additional Video - Sugar
    • Additional Video - Processed Food
    • Video: Food and Dementia