Course curriculum

  • 2

    Lesson 1: How Your Brain Communicates

    • Lesson 1: How Your Brain Communicates
  • 3

    Lesson 2: Cognitive Reserve and Why It Protects Against Dementia

    • Lesson 2: Cognitive Reserve and Why It Protects Against Dementia
  • 4

    Lesson 3: Neuroplasticity, or How Your Brain Changes and Why It Changes

    • Lesson 3: Neuroplasticity, or How Your Brain Changes and Why It Changes
  • 5

    Lesson 4: Sensory Stimulation and Why It's So Important

    • Lesson 4: Sensory Stimulation and Why It's So Important
  • 6

    Lesson 5: Mental Stimulation, or Learning that Protects Your Brain

    • Lesson 5: Mental Stimulation, or Learning that Protects Your Brain
  • 7

    Lesson 6: Creating a Personal Action Plan for Sensory and Mental Stimulation

    • Lesson 6: Creating a Personal Action Plan for Sensory and Mental Stimulation
  • 8

    Course Resources

    • Downloads
    • Video: Sensory Stimulation and Dementia